Feb 14, 2022 · As a tea or bathing herb, it may be used to sooth away sorrows and recover from emotional pain. It is also suggested to sooth the nerves and ...
A little branched plant with flowers on short stalks in whorls up the stem. Flowers pale pink to white with darker purple spots. There are 4 stamens and one ...
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Clinopodium menthifolium, commonly known as the wood calamint or woodland calamint, is a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae.
ascending wild basil. Classification ; Family. Lamiaceae Martinov - Mint family ; Genus. Clinopodium L. · - clinopodium ; Species. Clinopodium ascendens (Jord.) ...
Found on dry, calcareous soils on roadsides, rocky ground and among rough grassland. Most frequent in southern areas of England and Ireland. An erect ...
*Clinopodium ascendens (Jordan) Sampaio. clade: Clinopodium s.s.. Common Calamint. Phen: Aug. Hab: Rich calcareous slope. Dist: Native of Europe.
Common name: Common calamint ; Family: Mint (Lamiaceae) ; Scientific name: Clinopodium ascendens ; Main flower color: Pink ; Range: South England and a few ...
This is an erect plant with pinkish-lilac flowers (10-15mm long) in short-stalked whorls. They have 4 stamens, each shorter than the upper lip, and 2 stigmas.
Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
Clinopodium menthifolium ascendens is a subspecies of plants with 367 observations.