Coleophora vibicella is a moth of the family Coleophoridae found in Europe. Coleophora vibicella. Scientific classification · Edit this classification.
Coleophora vibicella is a moth of the Coleophoridae family. It is found in Europe south of the line running from Great Britain to Ukraine.
This species produces a larger case than most others, but the species is rare and local in the British Isles, only occurring in parts of southern England.
synonyms. Coleophora brunneella Müller-Rutz, 1922. parasitoids, predators. Elasmus unicolor. notes. Species of xerothermic situations.
Vulnerable (proposed as a future Red Data Book species) in rough pastures and woodland rides, declining, and now probably restricted to Hampshire and ...
Jul 11, 2019 · A very rare and declining species, known from a very few sites in the UK. (British leafminers). Hosts in Great Britain and Ireland: Hosts elsewhere:
Find out about the status of Coleophora vibicella (Large Gold Case-bearer) in Kent. Learn more on its distribution, phenology and ecology.

Coleophora vibicella

Coleophora vibicella is a moth of the family Coleophoridae found in Europe. Wikipedia
Coleophora vibicella (Hübner, [1813]) Large Gold Case-bearer species. Accepted Name authority: UKSI. Establishment means: Native.
Habitats: Deciduous woodland rides and rough pasture. Habits: It is commonly parasitized. This with the decline of the foodplant may have helped increased its ...
Jul 19, 2014 · It is a low growing, short-lived shrub of heavy soils, the leaves are tightly packed on the stem, short, grey-green and ending in a tiny point.