It is drought tolerant but is not a reliably perennial. However it self-sows readily and can become weedy. The showy golden flowers are nice in a vase and are a ...
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Lanceleaf coreopsis is a native wildflower in the Asteraceae (daisy) family that typically grows to 2' tall and occurs in prairies, glades, fields, and ...

Lance-leaved coreopsis

Coreopsis lanceolata, commonly known as lanceleaf coreopsis, lanceleaf tickseed, lance-leaved coreopsis, or sand coreopsis, is a North American species of tickseed in the family Asteraceae. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Coreopsis lanceolata
Family: Asteraceae
Hardiness: Zones 3-8
Genus: Coreopsis
Order: Asterales

Coreopsis lanceolata, commonly called lanceleaf coreopsis, is a Missouri native wildflower which typically grows to 2' tall and occurs in prairies, glades, ...
$3.00 to $149.00 Free delivery over $100 In stock
Lance-leaf Coreopsis waves brightly in late spring and early summer on sunny, even hot sites with dry, sandy or poor soil.
Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf Tickseed) is an upright herbaceous perennial boasting a profusion of daisy-like bright yellow flowers.
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Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Coreopsis lanceolata, blooms in early summer with golden yellow flowers attractive to pollinators & songbirds that feed on the seeds in ...
lanceleaf tickseed. General Information. Symbol: COLA5. Group: Dicot. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Native Status: CAN N HI I L48 N
Coreopsis lanceolata, commonly known as lanceleaf coreopsis, lanceleaf tickseed, lance-leaved coreopsis, or sand coreopsis, is a North American species of ...
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Apr 2, 2023 · Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata) is a hardy and adaptable perennial plant that is native to most of the United States.
Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf Coreopsis) seed. Coreopsis lanceolata. Lanceleaf Coreopsis. Popular for wildflower meadows and along roadsides.