Males reach maturity at ca. 115 cm TL, females at 123 cm TL; birth size at ca. 21 cm TL (Ref. 114953). Biology may be unclear due to past taxonomic confusion ...
The common skate (Dipturus batis), also known as the blue skate, is the largest skate in the world, attaining a length of up to 2.85 m (9 ft 4 in).

Common skate

The common skate, also known as the blue skate, is the largest skate in the world, attaining a length of up to 2.85 m. Historically, it was one of the most abundant skates in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its... Wikipedia
Conservation status: Critically Endangered (Population decreasing)
Scientific name: Dipturus batis
Mass: 120 lbs (Adult)
Family: Rajidae
Kingdom: Animalia

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This species has long been considered as identical to Dipturus intermedius (Parnell, 1837) while they are actually two different species.
Dipturus batisBlue grey skate(Also: Blue skate; Common skate; Flapper skate; Gray skate) · Chondrichthyes: pictures (137) · Chondrichthyes: specimens (1).
A large ray with a long pointed snout. Males growing up to 2 m in length, while females may reach up to 3 m in length. The leading edge of the wings is ...
Common skates inhabit depths usually within 200 metres but occasionally down to 1000 metres. They feed on benthic animals, and they can also be active predators ...
Nov 12, 2018 · Previously known as the Common Skate, which is now known to have masked 2 species - Flapper Skate and Blue Skate.
Description, classification, synonyms, distribution map, bibliography and images of Dipturus batis - Blue skate.
Name · Batis vulgaris Couch, 1862 · Dipturus flossada (Risso, 1826) · Dipturus intermedius (Parnell, 1837) · Propterygia hyposticta Otto, 1821 · Raia flossada ...
Feeds on all kinds of bottom invertebrates and fish, including other skates (Ref. 114953). Oviparous, with long embryonic development. Males reach maturity at ...