Entoloma coeruleoflocculosum from
... Entoloma viaregale clearly belongs to stirps Anatinum on account of the dark brown , squamulose pileus and the blue , non - polished stipe surface . It is distinguished from the other ... Entoloma coeruleoflocculosum . Habit , 294.
Entoloma coeruleoflocculosum from
... Entoloma coeruleoflocculosum Noordel . coeruleoflocculosus kig ← = = Mattstieliger Zärtling mit blauen Flocken , von lat . ,, coeruleus " = himmelblau und „ , flocculosus " = feinflok- Stielbekleidung In open , grassy places , in dunes ...
Entoloma coeruleoflocculosum from
... Entoloma coeruleoflocculosum Noordel . ( fig . 23–25 ; pl . Iv ) Persoonia , 12 , p . 461 ( 1985 ) . Chapeau ... Entoloma coeruleoflocculosum PLANCHE V • Entoloma viaregale ( QUELQUES ESPÈCES INTÉRESSANTES DU GENRE ENTOLOMA 173.