Hecatera bicolorata es una especie de lepidóptero de la familia Noctuidae. Se distribuye por Europa y también se encuentra en Turquía, Irán, Israel, Líbano, ...
The broad-barred white (Hecatera bicolorata) is a moth of the family Noctuidae. The species was first described by Johann Siegfried Hufnagel in 1766.
Broad-barred White Hecatera bicolorata. (Hufnagel, 1766). Wingspan 28-35 mm. Found throughout England and Wales, though more commonly in the south and ...
Broad-barred white (Hecatera bicolorata)
The broad-barred white is a moth of the family Noctuidae. The species was first described by Johann Siegfried Hufnagel in 1766. It is distributed throughout Europe and is also found in Turkey, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Kirghizia, Tajikistan,... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Hecatera bicolorata
Reino. Animalia · Filo. Arthropoda · Clase. Insecta · Orden. Lepidoptera · Familia. Noctuidae · Género. Hecatera Guenée, 1852.
The broad-barred white (Hecatera bicolorata) is a moth of the family Noctuidae. The species was first described by Johann Siegfried Hufnagel in 1766.
Status Widespread and common. Coastal dunes, shingle and grassland, limestone chalk downland. Feeds at flowers and comes to light.
Common in south England, more local north from Midlands and in Wales and Scotland. Picture Hecatera bicolorata (Broad-barred White)
Zur Unterscheidung zwischen Hecatera bicolorata und Hecatera dysodea: Hecatera dysodea ist auch nach vielen Flugstunden am besten an der deutlich gezähnten ...
Wingspan 28-35 mm. Broad dark grey or blackish central band on a whitish forewing which has a straight leading edge. Identification difficulty.
Hecatera bicolorata (Hufnagel, 1766) is a moth of the family Noctuidae that can be found on the island of Crete, Greece.