The scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) is a species of butterfly belonging to the family Papilionidae. It is also called the sail swallowtail or ...

Scarce swallowtail

The scarce swallowtail is a species of butterfly belonging to the family Papilionidae. It is also called the sail swallowtail or pear-tree swallowtail. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Iphiclides podalirius
Genus: Iphiclides
Family: Papilionidae
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The scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) is a butterfly belonging to the family Papilionidae. It is also called the sail swallowtail or pear-tree ...
The Scarce Swallowtail is a large butterfly; its wingspan ranges between 6.5 and 8.0 cm. Its black tiger stripes are on a wing background that varies from ...
Podalirius is a large species in terms of wing area and quite unmistakeable in flight. I recall first seeing it in 1996 in Vendée on the Atlantic coast.
A very large distinctive butterfly. It is creamy white with black tiger stripes. It can be confused with the swallowtails, Papilio. They have a strong yellow ...
Iphiclides podalirinus, the Chinese scarce swallowtail, is a species of butterfly from the family Papilionidae that is found in China and Tibet.
The scarce swallowtail, Iphiclides podalirius (Linnaeus, 1758), is a widespread butterfly species in the family Papilionidae. The species is common in open ...
A large butterfly with a strong, gliding flight, it can be surprisingly oblivious to onlookers whilst it feeds on flowers, such as scabiouses.
Iphiclides podalirius needs large habitats or a dense network of patches, which is the main problem in Central Europe.
Oct 29, 2018 · Scientific Classification. Family: Papilionidae; Genus: Iphiclides; Common names: Sail Swallowtail; Scientific Name: Iphiclides podalirius.