Leucoptera lotella is a moth in the Lyonetiidae family. It is found from Denmark to Portugal, Italy and Croatia, and from Great Britain to Poland and ...
A nationally scarce species found primarily in the south and east of England and the west of Ireland. The larvae feed on the leaves of Common and Greater ...
Jul 11, 2019 · Leaf-miner: The frass is arranged in a spiral and a circular blotch is formed (British leafminers). Egg at the underside of the leaf.
Leucoptera lotella (Stainton, 1850) · 66 occurrences with images · 69 georeferenced records.
Find out about the status of Leucoptera lotella (Little Bent-wing) in Kent. Learn more on its distribution, phenology and ecology.
The blotch is about circular, but my have broad lobes. Black frass grains lie in indistinct arcs or spirals, glued to the upper epidermis, and forming a dark ...
Leucoptera lotella

Leucoptera lotella

Leucoptera lotella is a moth in the Lyonetiidae family. It is found from Denmark to Portugal, Italy and Croatia, and from Great Britain to Poland and Hungary. The wingspan is 5-6 mm. Wikipedia
Sep 6, 2023 · The adults fly normally in one generation a year during May. When conditions are favourable a second generation occurs during August.
General Information. Wingspan: 5-6mm. Foodplant(s): Common Bird's-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil (Lotus pedunculatus)
Notes: The frass is arranged in a spiral and a circular blotch is formed. National Status: Nationally Scarce A. Bradley No: 259. Data: 21.ix.2003, Odiham, Hants ...
Nationally scarce (Na) on dry downland, and in marshes and other damp areas, in south-east England, Yorkshire and western Ireland.