... Melanoleuca nivea . part of the pileitrama compact , without pigment . Apex of stipe with clusters of clavate cells and fusiform to lageniform caulocystidia , 50-70 × 10-15 μm . HABITAT & DISTR . - Saprotrophic , terrestrial , in dune ...
... Melanoleuca nivea . CH Fig . 132. Melanoleuca atripes . CC part of the pileitrama compact , without pigment . Apex of stipe with clusters of clavate cells and fusiform to lageniform caulocystidia , 50-70 × 10-15 pm . HABITAT & DISTR ...
... melanoleuca, N. nivea, N. nigricollis, and N. mossambica), Rinkhals (Hemachatus haemachatus), the two species of Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis and D. angusticeps), Puff Adder (Bitis arietans), Gaboon Adder (Bitis gabonica) and Berg Adder ...
... melanoleuca) • Saw-scaled vipers: 3 species (Echis ocellatus, E. leucogaster, E. pyramidum); • Large African adders ... melanoleuca, N. nivea, N. annulifera) • Large African adders: 2 species (Bitis arietans, B. gabonica) ...
... melanoleuca , N. nivea , N. haje , Ophiophagus hannah , Bungarus fasciatus , B. caeruleus , Dendroaspis jamesoni , D. polyepsis , and D. angusticeps hydrolyze indoxylacetate , a - naphthylacetate , and α- naphthylbutyrate . It is also ...
... nivea N. nigricollis H. haemachatus 123456 6 H. haemachatus 7 N. naja oxiana 8 N. melanoleuca 9 N. nivea 10 N. haje annuli 11 D. polylepis ] 12 D. jamesonii } 13 D. viridis 14 D. viridis 15 E. schistosa 16 E. schistosa 17 P. platurus 18 ...
... melanoleuca, N. nivea, and N. senegalensis) (Figure 55-69) Bites may cause some local swelling, but no necrosis develops unless the bite is on a finger pulp. Classic neurotoxic symptoms develop as early as 30 minutes after the bite and ...