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Species Accepted. Microthyrium pinophyllum (Höhn.) Petr. Published in: (1927). Annls Mycol. 25(3/4): 326. source: Species Fungorum Plus · 194 occurrences.
Microthyrium pinophyllum. Taxon name. Microthyrium pinophyllum. Summary. Microthyrium pinophyllum (Höhn.) Petr., Annales Mycologici 25: 326 (1927) [MB#121142].
THE NCBI Taxonomy database allows browsing of the taxonomy tree, which contains a classification of organisms.
Microthyrium pinophyllum (Höhn.) Petr. species. Accepted. Name authority: UKSI. Establishment means: Native.
A description is provided for Microthyrium pinophyllum, which are found on dead pine needles. Details are given of its hosts (Abies lasiocarpa, ...
Microthyrium pinophyllum NULL. Notes: NULL. Source: NULL. Family: Microthyriaceae. [Calothyriella pinophylla Höhn.] Microthyrium pinophyllum image.
Colonies comprising minute individual superficial ascomata scattered over the surface of conifer debris. Hyphae superficial, pale yellow, 1–2 µm wide.
Species Detail - Microthyrium pinophyllum - Species information displayed is based on all datasets. ×. Terrestrial Map - 10km.
INHS Collections Data ; Microthyrium pinophyllum \N ; Family: Microthyriaceae. Images not available. Resources ; Microthyrium pinophyllum. Open Interactive Map.