An annual hemiparasitic herb of coastal grasslands on stabilized sand dunes, gravelly and rocky seashores, the upper margins of saltmarshes, and on waste ground ...
The native range of this species is N. & NW. Europe. It is a hemiparasitic annual and grows primarily in the temperate biome. Taxonomy · General information.
Odontites vernus subsp. litoreus is known from coastal sites in northern and western Scotland, and one site each in north-western England and north-western ...
Odontites vernus subsp. litoralis (Fr.) Nyman - (257 records). subspecies. Synonym. Name authority: UKSI. Establishment means: Native ...
Odontites vernus subsp. litoralis (Fr.) Nyman. Kent :124·21·2c. Information; Images; Distribution. Information. Search ePIC for Odontites vernus subsp.
Red false bartsia is an introduced annual hemiparasite (partial parasite), that uses specialized root structures to invade the roots of its host plant to steal ...
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Found in. Europe Eastern Europe Baltic States; Middle Europe Germany; Netherlands; Poland; Northern Europe Denmark; Finland; Norway; Sweden.
A short annual up to 50cm tall. Grows in grassy and bare places such as beside farm tracks. The tallest and most upright specimens your Author has espied.
Subsp. litoralis is a dwarf plant confined to coastal grassland in a few places in N Scotland and the Outer Hebrides (Garrard & Streeter 1983; Clapham et al.
Odontites serotinus subsp. litoralis (Fr.) Hayek · Odontites simplex (Hartm.) Krok · Odontites verna subsp. litoralis (Fr.) Nyman · Odontites vernus subsp.