A vigorous, evergreen fern with a creeping rhizome bearing broadly ovate, bipinnatifid fronds with lobed segments, mixed with occasional simply pinnate ones.
A pale green, evergreen fern bearing overlapping, delicate, finely-cut, lacy-looking fronds, together with the occasional more simple frond.
Exuberant and luxuriant polypody, presenting different types of fronds, very finely cut, tripinnate, some are bifurcate, bipinnatifid.
'Bifidograndiceps' is a terrestrial or epiphytic, evergreen fern with lance-shaped, pinnate, dark green fronds with forked pinnae and large, flat crests at ...
Much dissected form of the common polypody fern, evergreen, 30cm. Easy, even dry shade when established. Genus: POLYPODIUM Variety: x MANTONIAE
Polypodium x mantoniae 'Cornubiense' Beautiful pale green spreading fern with lacy fronds which are late to get going but look gorgeous all winter.
A vigorous evergreen fern with a creeping rhizome bearing broadly ovate fronds with lobed segmentsof the finest lace quite unlike any other polypody.
Three species of Polypodium occur throughout the British Isles. Two (P. interjectum and P. vulgare) are widespread and frequently hybridise to form P. x ...
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Abstract. Detailed analyses of micro- and macromorphological features of 247 specimens representing the Polypodium vulgare.