Prunus padus, commonly called European birdcherry, is a deciduous ornamental cherry tree that typically grows 20-40' tall with a rounded crown. Fragrant white flowers in pendulous 3-6” long clusters (racemes) appear after the foliage emerges in spring.
Prunus padus, known as bird cherry, hackberry, hagberry, or Mayday tree, is a flowering plant in the rose family. It is a species of cherry, a deciduous small ...
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Experience the beauty of the European Bird Cherry (Prunus padus) on your property. This majestic tree is native to northern Europe and northern Asia.
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European bird cherry. General Information. Symbol: PRPA5. Group: Dicot. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Shrub Tree. Native Status: AK I CAN I L48 I ...
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European bird cherry (Prunus padus subsp. padus) is a deciduous perennial tree whose heavily scented blossoms grow in clusters and smell like sweet wild cherry ...
It is a good solitary park tree with early flowering of white flowers in racemes, which have a pleasant smell. However, it may be attacked by cherry-oat.
The genus Prunus is generally divided into two sub-species (ssp.): P. padus ssp. padus L. (European bird cherry), which is a small tree, and P. padus ssp.
Prunus: species; Prunus padus. Name. Synonyms: Padus avium subsp. avium; Homonyms: Prunus padus var. padus ˇ Prunus padus f. padus ˇ Prunus padus subsp. padus ...
This plant is a thornless branching shrub that attains the size of a small tree of up to 8 m tall. Its twigs have a disagreeable scent when squeezed, ...
EPPO Code: PRNPA ; Preferred name: Prunus padus ; Authority: Linnaeus.