Classification ; kingdom; Fungi ; phylum; Basidiomycota ; class; Agaricomycetes ; order; Agaricales ; family; Psathyrellaceae ...
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Psathyrella pseudocorrugis (Romagn.) Bon, Documents Mycologiques 12 (46): 52 (1983) [MB#109541]. General information. MycoBank #. 109541. Classification.
Originally described from Europe as Agaricus corrugis, the species is considered non-toxic but lacking in flesh, flavor and texture. It is inedible. Psathyrella ...
Missing: pseudocorrugis | Show results with:pseudocorrugis
This is a list of Psathyrella species. Many of its members were formerly classified in the genera Hypholoma, Psilocybe, and Stropharia.
A list of 53 Psathyrella species (Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales) known from the area of the Czech and the Slovak Republics is presented.
THE NCBI Taxonomy database allows browsing of the taxonomy tree, which contains a classification of organisms.
Jun 21, 2019 · Specimens belonging to taxa traditionally assigned to the subsection Spadiceogriseae of the genus Psathyrella were analyzed both morphologically ...
Psathyrella cf. pseudocorrugis synonym. UKSI. Psathyrella cf. pseudogracilis synonym. UKSI. Psathyrella cf. spadicea synonym. UKSI. Psathyrella cf.
Psathyrella piluliformis [28] · Psathyrella potteri [4] · Psathyrella prona [6] · Psathyrella prona var. utriformis [1] · Psathyrella pseudocorrugis [1] ...