The native range of this species is W. Europe. It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarily in the temperate biome. Taxonomy ˇ General information.
Rubus is a large and diverse genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, subfamily Rosoideae, with 250–700 species.
People also ask
Are Rubus berries safe to eat?
Is Rubus plant poisonous?
What is Rubus good for?
Can you eat Rubus Allegheniensis?
Dec 3, 2017 ˇ The scientific bramble name Rubus adornatus P.J. Müll. ex Wirtg. is nomenclaturally illegitimate and has to be replaced.
The following is a list of all 1475 species and 64 hybrids in the flowering plant genus Rubus (commonly known as blackberries, raspberries, dewberries and ...
Rubus adornatus P.J.Müll. ex Wirtg. Synonym of: Rubus wirtgenii Auersw. ex Wirtg. Species. Rubus gravetii (Boulay) W.C.R.Watson.
Arbustos erectos o semiescandentes, o rastreras o bejucos escandentes. Tallos, hojas e inflorescencias inermes o más generalmente armados con aguijones.
Rubus wirtgenii. Provider: ⚙ Mycology Collections Data Portal ...
Mar 14, 2023 ˇ Rubus. Language; Watch ˇ Edit ˇ Rubus fruticosus s.l.. Taxonavigation ... wirtgenii – R . wittigianus – R . woronowii – R . wushanensis – R ...
Rubus is a large and diverse genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, subfamily Rosoideae, with 250–700 species. Raspberries, blackberries ...
Flora of the Czech Republic, distribution map, plant traits. Vegetation types, their description, maps and species composition. Data to download.