Russula is a very large genus composed of around 750 worldwide species of ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. They are typically common, fairly large, and brightly ...
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Kingdom. Fungi · Phylum. Basidiomycota · Class. Agaricomycetes · Order. Russulales · Family. Russulaceae · Genus. Russula Pers.
The genus Russula includes some very beautiful and interesting species, and a lot of hard-to-distinguish species.
Russula is a genus of gilled mushrooms readily separated from all other gilled mushrooms by characteristics easily discerned by the amateur.
Jul 22, 2015 · Identifying the Russula family (in most cases) is pretty easy, they are very common, very colourful and lots of them are edible!
Russula urens Romell, Pilz-und Kräuterfreund: 192 (1921) [MB#445750]. General information. MycoBank #. 445750. Classification.
Classification ; kingdom; Fungi ; phylum; Basidiomycota ; class; Agaricomycetes ; order; Russulales ; family; Russulaceae ...
Russula cuprea is mycorrhizal with Beech trees. It is a seldom-recorded summer and autumn brittlegill mushroom, and because of its colour variability it poses ...
Russula is a large genus of chalky-brittle ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. The genus is easy to recognize in the field, but the species are often hard to identify.
Dec 12, 2022 · This time it's the Russula genus of mushrooms, commonly called brittlegills. Once again a group notoriously difficult to ID to species with ...