The fruit bodies consist of creamy brown, flat or convex discs, creamy exteriors and downy stalks which can range between quite short and very long.
Rutstroemia lindaviana. Details. Notes: Taxonomic Classification Level. Kingdom: Phylum: Class: Order: Fungi; Ascomycota; Leotiomycetes; Helotiales.
Rutstroemia lindaviana (Kirschst.) Dennis, British cup fungi and their allies: An introduction to the Ascomycetes: 65 (1960) [MB#338733]
8 datasets have provided data to the NBN Atlas for this species. Browse the list of datasets and find organisations you can join if you are interested in ...
Rutstroemia lindaviana (Kirschst.) Dennis. Family: Rutstroemiaceae. [Sclerotinia lindaviana Kirschst.] Rutstroemia lindaviana image.
Rutstroemia is a genus of fungi in the family Rutstroemiaceae. It was circumscribed by Petter Karsten in 1871. Rutstroemia. A Rutstroemia species on a ...
Widespread but local. Not very well recorded. Habitat includes: Wet boggy places growing on dead stems of various plants e.g. Common reed, reed sweet grass, I' ...
It is a network of threads (hyphae) collectively called a 'mycelium', which permeate the substrate on which the fungus grows. The hyphae absorb nutrients and ...
Generic short diagnoses: Short to long stipitate, yellow, orange, olive, buff or brown coloured, inoperculate discomycetes, arising from ± stromatized ...
Image of Rutstroemia latispora. Rutstroemia leporina. Images not available. Rutstroemia lindaviana · Image of Rutstroemia lindaviana. Rutstroemia longiasca.