Rarely away from the chalk but occasionally found on other soft limestones. In many areas it is scarcer than S. calycina, which shares its geology and habitats.
Seligeria calcarea is found on damp, shaded, calcareous rocks of cliffs in parts of northcentral and northeastern North America where it is apparently ...
Seligeria is characterized as tiny acrocarpous plants, with more or less ovate, smooth capsules and linear-lanceolate leaves, and a calcareous substrate as ...
The short (less than 1 mm), bluntly pointed leaves of S. calcarea are its most distinctive feature. It is a minute (shoots up to 2 mm tall) species growing ...
Nov 5, 2020 · Plants tiny, olive green. Leaves linear-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, stoutly subulate from oblong-ovate base, narrowly obtuse; ...
Scientific Name. Seligeria calcarea. Common Name. small limestone moss. Kingdom. Plantae. Location in Taxonomic Tree. Genus. Seligeria. Species. Seligeria ...
A tiny moss that grows on sheltered surfaces of chalk rock. It does not tolerate full exposure to sunlight or heavy shade. In brief.
It is a minute (shoots up to 2 mm tall) species growing in thin, bristly mats. Capsules are common, with a relatively large, egg-shaped capsule held well clear ...
Source: iNaturalist United Kingdom Seligeria calcarea is a species of plants with 9 observations More Info Computer Vision Model Pending
Seligeraceae ; A Limestone Moss Seligeria calcarea. Other Names: Weissea calcarea ; A Limestone Moss Seligeria campylopoda ; Acute Blindia Moss Blindia acuta