Stigmella confusella is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is found from Fennoscandia to the Pyrenees, Alps and Bulgaria and from Ireland to central ...
A single-brooded species. The adults are on the wing during May, and the leafmines can be found from June into August. The larva mines the leaves of birch.
Wingspan 5 to 6 mm. The larva mines the leaves of Birch. The leafmine is similar in appearance to that of S. lapponica, but has a black central line of ...

Stigmella confusella

Stigmella confusella is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is found from Fennoscandia to the Pyrenees, Alps and Bulgaria and from Ireland to central Russia. The wingspan is 5–6 mm. The head is ochreous-yellow. Antennal eyecaps whitish. Wikipedia
Taxonomic Notes: Stigmella confusella (Wood & Walsingham, 1894) is now recognized within the North American fauna north of Mexico, ZooKeys, 628: 65-246.
Status Widespread. Yellowish brown forewing with ill-defined whitish fascia beyond middle. Leaf-mine: June - Aug. (Sept - Nov)
Small moth from the family Nepticulida. Adults lay eggs on the lower surface of the leaf, positioned near a vein. The larval tunnel, known as a mine, ...
Stigmella confusella (Wood & Walsingham, 1894). pale birch pigmy. on Betula. Stigmella confusella: vacated mine on Betula pubescens.
Stigmella confusella (Wood & Walsingham, 1894) Vári, 1944 ... Wood JH, Walsingham L. Nepticula confusella, a new birch-mining species. Entomologist's Monthly ...
Jul 12, 2019 · The larva is a greenish white, head brown (British leafminers). The larva is illustrated in Bladmineerders van Europa. Pupa: The pupae of moths ...
Find out about the status of Stigmella confusella (Pale Birch Pigmy) in Kent. Learn more on its distribution, phenology and ecology.