
Learn to pronounce bom·bast

high-sounding language with little meaning, used to impress people.
"the bombast of gung-ho militarism"
synonyms: bluster, pomposity, ranting, rant, nonsense, empty talk, humbug, wind, blather, blether, claptrap, turgidity, verbosity, verbiage, periphrasis, euphuism, fustian, pretentiousness, affectedness, ostentation, grandiloquence, magniloquence, hot air, bunkum, guff, bosh, bellywash, braggadocio, rodomontade

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Aug 22, 2024 · The meaning of BOMBAST is pretentious inflated speech or writing. How to use bombast in a sentence. Did you know?
noun · speech too pompous for an occasion; pretentious words. · Obsolete. cotton or other material used to stuff garments; padding.
Synonyms for BOMBAST: rhetoric, grandiloquence, braggadocio, brag, magniloquence, bluster, chatter, rant, rodomontade, hot air.
bombast · balderdash · bluster · braggadocio · cotton · exaggeration · fustian · gasconade · grandiloquence · grandiosity · magniloquence · pad · pomposity ...
a forceful and confident style that is intended to be very powerful and impressive, but may not have much real meaning or effect.
Bombast is a noun meaning pretentious or boastful talk. If your football coach is known for his bombast, he probably gives a pompous speech before each game ...
figurative. Puffed, empty, inflated; over-elaborate. Of language: Turgid, grandiloquent, bombastic. 1601.
1. speech too pompous for an occasion; pretentious words 2. obsolete cotton or other material used to stuff garments; padding
(figurative) High-sounding words; language above the dignity of the occasion; a pompous or ostentatious manner of writing or speaking.
Bombast refers to language that is pompous, exaggerated, or pretentious. It is the writer's equivalent of wearing clothes that are two sizes too big ...