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What is the meaning of Trouwde?
Dutch ˇ Etymology ˇ Pronunciation ˇ Adverb. edit. trouwens. besides; by the way. Descendants.
en-pp. incidentally. by the way; → tussen haakjes; overigens; nu dat ik eraan denk; trouwens;. adverb. at the same time; on the other hand.
Apr 24, 2023 ˇ According to google translate it means "incidentally", "moreover", "besides" and "as a matter of fact" Typically when there are multiple ...
Translation of "trouwens" in English ˇ by the way ˇ besides ˇ anyway ˇ actually ˇ moreover ˇ incidentally ˇ indeed ˇ though ˇ in fact.
From Middle Dutch trouwen, from Old Dutch *triuwon, from Proto-Germanic *trewwāną. Equivalent to trouw (“loyality”) + -en or trouw (“faithful, loyal”) + -en.
trouwens {adv.} ˇ volume_up. besides ˇ by the way ˇ for the rest ˇ moreover ˇ as for the rest ˇ what's more ...
What does trouwens mean in Dutch? ; inderdaad, in werkelijkheid ; by the way adverb ; trouwens, tussen haakjes, onderweg, a propos ; by the way of preposition, ...
May 8, 2018 ˇ Definition of trouwens By the way, mind you • Trouwens, was Jan er ook? (By the way, was Jan there as well?) (Egyébként, Ő is ott volt) ...
Trouwens, ik vind je nieuwe kapsel leuk. — By the way, I like your new haircut. anyway adv. Hoe gaat het trouwens met je nieuwe puppy? — How is it going with ...
Lost Password? Login ˇ Sign Up. Dutch Word: trouwens. English Meaning: anyway, by the way. Learn Dutch and ...