- mental sharpness and inventiveness; keen intelligence."he does not lack perception or native wit"synonyms: intelligence, shrewdness, astuteness, cleverness, canniness, acuteness, acuity, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, sense, good sense, common sense, wisdom, sagacity, judgment, understanding, acumen, discernment, perception, insight, percipience, perspicacity, brains, mind, nous, gumption, horse sense, common, savvy, smarts
- a natural aptitude for using words and ideas in a quick and inventive way to create humor."a player with a sharp tongue and a quick wit"synonyms: wittiness, humor, funniness, facetiousness, drollery, waggishness, repartee, badinage, banter, wordplay, raillery, jokes, witticisms, quips, puns
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1. a : the ability to relate seemingly disparate things so as to illuminate or amuse b (1) : a talent for banter or persiflage (2) : a witty utterance or ...
Wit is a form of intelligent humour—the ability to say or write things that are clever and typically funny. Someone witty is a person who is skilled at ...
Wentworth Institute of Technology is a technology university in Boston with five schools focused on Engineering, Computing, Design and Management.
WIT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the underrepresentation and challenges women and girls face in STEAM.
A renowned professor is forced to reassess her life when she is diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer.A renowned professor is forced to reassess her life ...
WIT is the best-in-class digital activation platform that powers some of the most exciting, turnkey experiences in sports and entertainment.
Western Iowa Tech Community College | 4647 Stone Avenue | Sioux City, Iowa 51106 | 712.274.8733 | info@witcc.edu
WIT meaning: 1. the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way: 2. a person who is skilled at using…. Learn more.
noun · powers of intelligent observation, keen perception, ingenious contrivance, or the like; mental acuity, composure, and resourcefulness: using one's wits ...