Sep 11, 2024 ˇ baggeren verb dredge [verb] to deepen or clear the bed of (a river etc) by bringing up mud (Translation of baggeren from the PASSWORD Dutch–English Dictionary)
Etymology. edit. From Middle Dutch baggeren. Equivalent to bagger + -en. Pronunciation.
Translations ˇ dredgings, the ~ Noun ˇ mud, the ~ Noun ˇ slush, the ~ Noun ˇ silt, the ~ Noun ˇ mud flat, the ~ Noun ...
Find all translations of baggeren in English like dredge, dreck and many others.
Baggeren omvat alle werkzaamheden die nodig zijn bij het weghalen van zand, slib en andere lagen van de waterbodem en ook landaanwinning en opschonen van ...
What does baggeren door mean in Dutch? English Translation. dredge through. More meanings ...
baggeren - Learn Luxembourgish - LuxVocabulary › dictionary › result › BAGGEREN1ITE
the translation of the luxembourgish word baggeren means to excavate; to flirt.
Baggeren (Dutch) Translated to English as dredging ˇ baggeren in more languages ˇ Languages We Translate ˇ Popular Language Pairs ˇ Our Translation Services.
Definition. Removing solid matter from the bottom of a water area. Definition is not available for the current language.