My Top Ten Comic Book Artist and Their Art Styles

When I turn the page and read the pages from any Graphic Novel I can instantly recognized  the art and the artist that drew in each comic panel. Reading comic books and Graphic Novels for 15 years of  my life span I would like to list my Top Ten Comic Book Artist on 

10. Alex Maleev 

The reason why I enjoy Alex Maleev art is because it has a hunting feel to it. Alex Maleev uses water colors in his illustrations which gives out a eerie mood to the characters that he paints. His most recognizable art work is his involvement with Marvel comics.  I really enjoyed his art work for many Marvel characters such as Daredevil, Wolverine, The Avengers and Moon Knight. I recognized his work from Marvel comics but I enjoy the art style when reading the independent the Icon Comic series Scarlet. Alex Maleev loves to work alongside with comic writer Brian Micheal Bendis. When you read the Micheal Bendis run on Daredevil  you can sense the dramatic and dark mood in Alex Maleev’s work which brings out the dark character out of Daredevil. You might recognized Alex Maleev art from many of Micheal Bendis work of Daredevil, Halo: Uprising, Mighty Avengers, New Avengers #26-#50, New Avengers: Illuminati, Secret Invasion: Dark Reign, Spider Woman #1-7, and Moon Knight #1-12. If love Alex Maleev work and enjoy Micheal Bendis books I truly recommend those Marvel comics that I listed.

Alex Maleev’s Gallery of Art

9. Shawn Martianbrough

Shawn Martianbrough is one of the artist that inspired me to become a graphic novel inkier when I was in a young age being a inspired comic artist. I’ve met Shawn Martianbrough at Gem City Comic Con and being the shy guy that I am I was kinda nervous to talk to him face to face. I can’t remember exactly what Shawn Martianbrough said to me  2 years ago since I talk to him at Comic Con but I remember that he said to me that I should build my self confidence and that t I need to focus on one thing that I am passionate to do and I need to improve on that. But aside discussing my first interaction with Shawn Martianbrough the reason why I enjoy Shawn Martianbrough’s artwork is because the classic noir mixed with dynamic comic book action.I much prefer noir art and every time I see Shawn Martianbrough’s artwork I enter a world that is gritty and pulpy. I like how Martianbrough’s use of inks which he uses it to feel in the shadows on the faces, buildings and clothing. The inking shadows captures a tone like you are watching a crime drama that could be seen on a TV show or a movie. You might  have recognized Shawn Martianbrough’s work on graphic novels such as Thief of Thieves, Challengers of Unknown, Losers (Vertigo comics), and Luke Cage Noir. I recommend reading and looking at the art work of Shawn Martianbrough of Thief of Thieves, Luke Cage Noir and the Losers.

Shawn Martianbrough’s Art Gallery

8. Lee Bermejo

The art of Lee Bermejo is like walking through a dark alley, going through a mysterious nightclub and you have to constantly watch over your backside hoping there isn’t a man holding a gun behind you. The describing Lee Bermejo’s art is like describing urban life of  he dirty dark streets of New York Detroit, and Chicago. I recognized  Lee Bermejo  art work of his standalone DC villain comic book stories such as the acclaimed JOKER Graphic Novel and the Lex Luthor: Man of Steel Series.

Lee Bermejo’s Art Gallery

7. Jim Lee

If you read comic books such as Batman Hush, the 90s Uncanny X-Men series, Superman: For Tomorrow, Justice League New 52, and his creator owned work of WildC.A.T.S and Gen 13 among many others. Describing Jim Lee’s work is like envisioning a comic book action comic to life just inside of a comic book. Jim Lee is a Korean comic artist that is won numerous awards such as the Harvey Award, Inkpot Award and Wizard Fan Arts. Jim Lee once was over a publishing company that was once owned by DC Comics called Wildstorm Productions. Wildstorm was the home of many Jim Lee creator owned characters such as WildC.A.TS, Stormwatch. Jim Lee would often combined the two universes together to create a Wildstorm comic universe. Sadly in December 2010 DC shutdown Wildstorm Productions and the rest of the Wildstorm characters will be in the the New 52 timeline. What I love about Jim Lee’s muscular illustrations is his dynamic and wide penciling styles that can cover a entire page. I admire Jim Lee’s structure of detail and drawing within inside of the little or midsize comic panels.

Jim Lee’s Art Gallery

6. Frank Miller

Frank Miller is famous for his classic illustrations of the Sin City series, Dark Returns, Batman Year One, 300, Ronin and his run on Daredevil. Frank Miller is really known for his dramatic influence neo-noir black and white illustrations and his gritty tone  and style of all his graphic novels. What I love about Frank Miller’s work on Sin City it feels like a moving movie even though its a comic book. When I read arcs of Sin City its seem that the art work has away to make each page look and feel animated. When Frank Miller draws a character he makes them look intimidating, strong and very daring. Frank Miller’s work on Dark Knight Returns and Batman Year One transcended Batman into a very dark and brooding character which was very Taboo and shocking during that period of comics when most people viewed comics as “kid friendly.”

Frank Miller’s Art Gallery

5. Bruce Timm

If you was kid watching DC animated cartoons such as the Batman The Animated Series, Superman The Animated Series, Justice League The Animated Series and the Batman Mask of the Phantasm Animated movie than Bruce Timm is the comic artist that has made your childhood even more SUPER. Bruce Timm is known for his cartoon inspired heroin pin up girls and animated inspire animated versions DC comic book characters of Superman and Batman. Bruce Timm made his home in DC animation where he is very well known for  his work of the DC Animated Universe  or the “DAU” for short where all of the DC animated shows including Bruce Timm’s shows would all coexist in one universe. The reason why I like Bruce Timm’s work is because it has a classical feel to it. Bruce Timm is like going through the time of superheroes in the 1950s and the 1960s when female superheroes and femme fatal were strong and sexy and male superheroes looked handsome and strong like statues. If you love colofrul Pulp Art or classic Pop Art than you will admire Bruce Timm’s art portfolio.

Bruce Timm’s Art Gallery

4. Jim Steranko

The one and only escape artist Jim Steranko is known for his classic, cool, and sexy cover artwork on Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.E.I.D, pulp noir comics and X-Men comics from the 1960s and the 70s. Steranko is known for his surrealism and use of Op art in his comic book illustrations. Steranko won numerous awards for his classic and innovative sequential art during the 1960s. Steranko is featured in the Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame and became a comic book historian. Steranko ranked 4th because he was one of the most influential comic book artist that push away the Comic Books Code restrictions. To me looking at Steranko’s art work of  various comic book covers is like watching a 1960 and 1970 political thriller. Steranko to me is like the Rock & Roll of comic books during his time. His art work was very sleek, smooth and trippy. When I see the art work of Nick Fury its like watching a surrealistic James Bond movie on a comic book page.

Jim Steranko’s Art Gallery

3. Brian Bolland

Brian Bolland is a British comic book artist that is recognized for his work on Alan Moore’s Killing Joke, Judge Dredd 2000 A.D among many others. He is the most demand comic book cover artist in the American comic book industry. I describe Brian Bolland’s art as realistic surrealism. Seeing a Bolland cover art is like entering a world that is fantastical, strange and “unworldly.” I love how Bolland use realistic details and blending it will classic comic book illustrations. Due to being one of the very few comic book artist using a use of realism during a time there wasn’t any digital technology makes him to be place in my number 3 spot.

Brian Bolland’s Art Gallery

2. Alex Ross

Alex Ross is the Norman Rockwell of the comic book industry. Alex Ross is known for his massive inspiring portraits of the most iconic DC characters such as Superman, Batman, Golden Age Flash, Sliver Age Flash, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. Alex Ross won a Eisner Award for his work of his limited series Kingdom Come in 1997 and won a National Cartoonist Society for Superman: Peace on Earth. I recognized Alex Ross’s inspiring art work from his 1994 limited series MARVELS.  Alex Ross captures the golden age of the humanism of classic superheroes. Looking through Alex Ross’s art portfolio is like looking through a museum exhibit of superheroes.

Alex Ross’s Art Gallery

1. Jack Kirby (1942-1992)

If you know Stan Lee than you must know the legendary protege comic artist nick named Jack Kirby real name Jacob Kurtzberg. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were like Batman and Robin in the Golden Age of the comic book industry. Jack Kirby was involved in animation and done creator-owned comics. During the 1960s which was looked upon as the birth of Marvel comics Jack Kirby help alongside Stan Lee illustrating many cover art and characters of many popular Marvel characters such as  Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Hulk and X-Men etc. In 1970s Jack Kirby felt he wasn’t treated fairly which caused him to work for DC comics. In his times working for DC Jack Kirby did the  acclaimed works Fourth World New Gods series Throughout the Golden Age and especially the Silver Age of comics Jack Kirby wouldn’t be what Marvel is today wasn’t for the magic touch of Kirby’s illustrations.For all the acclaimed work Jack Kirby did over the years Jack Kirby was placed in the Hall of Fame in the name of his honor. Jack Kirby died of heart failure in 1994 and he will be remember as one of most influential and daring comic book artist who have ever lived. Jack Kirby will always be raked as my number 1 comic book artist.

Jack Kirby’s Art Gallery


So this is my Top Ten Comic Illustrators from various comic book publishing companies. I  would like to know who is your favorite comic book artist by commenting on webpage. Also please follow Taboo, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Follow this link to read more Taboo news

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