Teaching children to Knit

Children can learn to knit at quite a young age – as young as five or six if they are really keen – it all depends on the dexterity of an individual child. As a general rule, we suggest 7-8 is a good age, especially if you are expecting them to read instructions and follow patterns.

We have found there are two or three vital ingredients for happy knitters. Firstly, the very best way is learn from a patient friend, relative or teacher – Hello Granny! If granny is not available (Snowboarding again), your local yarn shop may be able to put you in touch with a teacher or even offer classes.

Secondly, wait until the child actually wants to learn –  or maybe think about introducing them to working with yarn via a finger knitting or pompom making kit.

Thirdly, keep the early projects small. Nothing kills off enthusiasm for a newly-acquired skill faster than boredom. Scarfs are a good first project (but don’t make them too long)- our Pompom scarf kit is a good beginners kit.

Buttonbag Knitting kits for children have been designed to build confidence from beginner to intermediate with easy knitting projects and are an excellent way to teach children how to knit.

We also now have a Bumper Knitting and Crochet kit to teach both skills with tons of easy projects.


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