The Kanye West Look Book

Kanye West's influence in the world of music is almost unparalleled. We say “unparalleled” because his influence in the menswear universe might be even more fearsome. As he details in his new GQ cover story, plenty of his vision for the future revolves around clothing: the new Yeezy Season 8 gear he debuted in Paris earlier this year, the earthy sweats he outfits his Sunday Service choir in, and—of course—the painstakingly assembled fits. He's got a uniform, of sorts, though you're unlikely to see him repeat a fit. Cozy sweats and leather. Futuristic tailoring. Yeezys on his feet. No matter what he's doing, he's one of the most interesting dressers on the planet—just check out the years-spanning range of fits here.
Image may contain Clothing Apparel Sunglasses Accessories Accessory Coat Jacket Human Person Footwear and Shoe
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