Lego Minifig USB Thumb Drive Is Humanity's Highest Achievement

All USB thumb drive makers should stop what they’re doing right now. Go home, update you resumé and start looking for a different line of work. The perfect USB stick has finally been made. The zenith of novelty storage technology has been reached. Behold: the Lego® Minifigure 2GB USB Flash Drive. The genius of this […]
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David Damshek's Diamove Concept is cute but flawed

All USB thumb drive makers should stop what they're doing right now. Go home, update you resumé and start looking for a different line of work. The perfect USB stick has finally been made. The zenith of novelty storage technology has been reached. Behold: the Lego® Minifigure 2GB USB Flash Drive.

The genius of this drive is that it us a regular Lego minifig, with detachable hands, head and legs. The only difference comes when you pull down the little chap's pants and find that he, for once, is wearing underwear. Not boxer shorts, either, but a pair of briefs in the shape of a USB plug, ready to be slotted into a computer port up to his waist, like a horror-movie victim sinking into quicksand.

Actually, there is one other difference in this industry-shaking figure: his normally bald head now sprouts a pair of thick dreadlocks with a keyring at the end.

The Lego minifig thumb drive will cost an expensive but oh-so-worth-it $25. Available now.

Lego Minifigure 2GB USB Flash Drive [Lego store via Oh Gizmo!]

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